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SONAM - TZ | UGNE: Medical and Surgical Nursing Practical

Medical and Surgical Nursing Practical

Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing Care : Concepts, Connections and Skills

Author (s): Marti Burton and David Smith  

Publisher : F. A. Davis Company, 2022


Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis

Author : Lynda Juall Carpenito

Publisher : 16th Ed. :Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, 2021

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook E-Book : Nursing Diagnosis Handbook E-Book

Author (s): Betty J. Ackley, Gail B. Ladwig, Mary Beth Flynn Makic, Marina Reyna Martinez-Kratz, and Melody Zanotti 

Publisher : 12th Ed. :Mosby, 2019

Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing

Author (s): Linda Williams and Paula Hopper 

Publisher : 5th Ed. :F. A. Davis Company, 2015


Medical-Surgical Nursing : Patient-Centered Collaborative Care

Author (s): Donna D. Ignatavicius and M. Linda Workman  

Publisher : 8th Ed.: Elsevier, 2015


Kozier and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, EBook, Global Eition

Author (s): Audrey Berman, Charles Snyder, Charles Snyder, Geralyn Frandsen, Shirlee Snyder, Audrey Berman, Charles Snyder, Geralyn Frandsen, Shirlee Snyder, and Audrey Berman  

Publisher : 10th Ed.: Pearson Education, Limited, 2015


Winningham's Critical Thinking Cases in Nursing : Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric

Author (s): Mariann M. Harding and Julie S. Snyder

Publisher : 6th Ed. :Elsevier 2015


Book Jacket

Medical-Surgical Nursing Test Success : An Unfolding Case Study Review

Author (s): Karen K. Gittings & Rhonda M. Brogdon & Frances H. Cornelius

Publisher : New York, NY : Springer Publishing Company. 2013


Book Jacket

Study Guide for Essentials for Nursing Practice - E-Book

Author : Castaldi, Patricia A.

Publisher : 9th Ed.: Elsevier, 2019

Book Jacket

Fast Facts for the Medical- Surgical Nurse : Clinical Orientation in a Nutshell

Author : Maggie Ciocco

Publisher : New York : Springer Publishing Company. 2014

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