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SONAM - TZ | UGNE: Academic writing and critical thinking

Academic Writing and Critical Thinking

Academics Writing : The Dynamics of Knowledge Creation

Author(s): Karin Tusting, Sharon McCulloch, Ibrar Bhatt, Mary Hamilton & David Barton

Publisher: London : Routledge. 2019

Book Jacket

Academic Writing

Author: Strongman, Luke.

Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013

Book Jacket

Combating Plagiarism: A Hands-On Guide for Librarians, Teachers, and Students

Author: Darr, Terry.

Publisher: Libraries Unlimited, 2019

Book Jacket

Academic Writing and Referencing for Your Nursing Degree

Author(s): Bottomley, Jane-Pryjmachuk, Steven

Publisher: Critical Publishing, 2017

Book Jacket

Academic Writing : A Handbook for International Students

Author: Bailey, Stephen

Publisher: 5th Ed. : Routledge, 2017

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