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SONAM - TZ | UGNE: Communication and Counselling

Communication and Counselling

Step in to Study Counselling and Psychotherapy (4th Edition) : A Student's Guide to Tackling Training and Course Assignments
Author(s): Deborah A. Lee and Pete Sanders

Publisher: PCCS Books, 2022

Counselling Skills and Theory 5th Edition
Author(s): Margaret Hough and Penny Tassoni

Publisher: Hodder Education Group, 2021

Book Jacket

Communication Skills for Your Nursing Degree
Author(s): Jane Bottomley & Steven Pryjmachuk

Publisher: St Albans : Critical Publishing. 2019

Communication Skills : For Nursing and Healthcare Students
Author: Kay Norman

Publisher: Scion Publishing, 2019



Book Jacket

Challenges in Counselling: Student Counselling

Author: Kirsten Amis

Publisher: London : Hodder Education Group. 2013



Book Jacket

Communication in Palliative Nursing

Author(s): Elaine Wittenberg-Lyles & Joy Goldsmith & Betty Ferrell & Sandra L. Ragan

Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press. 2013



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