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SONAM - TZ | UGNE: Epidemiology


Book Jacket

Modern Epidemiology

Author: Timothy L. Lash

Publisher: 4th Ed. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health. 2021

Book Jacket

Hygiene and Epidemiology

Author: Bencko, Vladimír

Publisher: Second revised Ed. Prague : Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press. 2020


Medical Epidemiology: Population Health and Effective Health Care, 5e

Author: Raymond S. Greenberg 

Publisher: 5thEd.: United States of America. McGraw-Hill Education, 2015


Book Jacket

Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health

Author(s): Ann Aschengrau-George R. Seage

Publisher: 4th Ed.: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2020

Book Jacket

Introduction to Epidemiology

Author: Ray M. Merrill

Publisher: 8th Ed.: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2019

Book Jacket

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Author: Powell, Wanda

Publisher: White Press Academics, 2018

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