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SONAM - TZ | UGNE: Leadership and management in Nursing

Leadership and management in Nursing


Transformational Leadership in Nursing : From Expert Clinician to Influential Leader

Author (s): Marshall, Elaine S.; Broome, Marion  

Publisher : 2nd Ed.: New York, NY : Springer, 2017



Management and Leadership in Nursing and Health Care :An Experiential Approach

Author : Rigolosi, Elaine La Monica

Publisher : 3rd Ed.: New York, NY : Springer, 2013

Book Jacket

Complexity Leadership : Nursing's Role in Health Care Delivery

Author : Crowell, Diana M.-Boynton, Beth

Publisher : 3rd Ed.: F.A. Davis, 2020

Book Jacket

Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators

Author (s): Linda A. Roussel-Tricia Thomas-James L. Harris

Publisher : 8th Ed.: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2020

Book Jacket

The New Leadership Challenge : Creating the Future of Nursing

Author (s): Grossman, Sheila-Valiga, Theresa

Publisher : 5th Ed.: F.A. Davis, 2016

Book Jacket

Leading and Managing in Nursing - E-Book

Author (s): Patricia S. Yoder-Wise

Publisher : 6th Ed.: Mosby,2015

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