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SONAM - TZ | Midwifery: Midwifery and Women's Health

Midwifery and Women's Health

Midwives in History and Society Cover Image

Midwives in History and Society

Author(s): Jean Towler and Joan Bramall.

Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.

Birthing a Movement : Midwives, Law, and the Politics of Reproductive Care Cover Image

Birthing a Movement : Midwives, Law, and the Politics of Reproductive Care

Author(s): Renée Ann Cramer.

Publisher: Stanford University PressBurlington, 2021.


Varney’s Midwifery

Author(s): Tekoa L. King & Mary C. Brucker.

Publisher: 6th Ed.: Burlington, Massachusetts : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2019.




Best Practices in Midwifery : Using the Evidence to Implement Change

Author(s): Anderson, Barbara A.; Rooks, Judith.

Publisher: 2nd Ed.: New York, NY : Springer Publishing Company, 2017.



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