Writing Style
The recommended writing style for AKU-GSMC is American Psychological Association style, or APA
Kindly see the guide here
Reference Management
It is recommended that you also use EndNote referencing software as it makes the citation and referencing work easier, accurate and more enjoyable.
In case you do not have EndNote, you may download and install Mendeley or Zotero on your personal computer. These are open source software, freely available online.
A demo on how to use is available here, or you can liaise with the librarian to guide.
EndNote Demo
Mendeley Demo
Zotero Demo
Plagiarism Check
Plagiarism is failing to acknowledge the source/s of your information. Equally, work that does not show use of background knowledge from other sources is not considered scholarly.
Your work will be verified using TurnItIn to check if there is plagiarism. Follow the APA requirements to ensure your score is as low as possible, preferably below 15%.
Predatory Publishing
Avoid publishing your work in predatory journals. Librarians will assist you with checking on this. Avoid sending your articles to publishers who email you asking you to publish with them, they may most likely be predatory.
Avoid also quoting articles from predatory journals. Prefer the databases listed above for your research to avoid this, as these are scholarly indexed.
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