Access to Books
If you need a print book, kindly get in touch with the Library using any of these emails. We will advise on alternative online resources or organise for pick and drop that is convenient for all parties.
Searching for Books
Access the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) also called SAFARI here
Use Advanced Search to enable a combination of terms
Borrowing period
You will not be charged for keeping books past the due date. We have extended the loan period until such a time that we hope to have resumed normal service. In case the prevailing situation prolongs, the library will make further adjustments
Nine (9) West Building, 7th Floor
At The Sarit Centre Round About – Mkungu Close, Off Parklands Road
P.O. Box 30270 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
+254 (020) 3740062/0063 | 4016