eCommons@AKU is a digital archive offering access to the research, scholarly output and publications of the Aga Khan University. The objective is to preserve, promote and provide access to the University's research and publications under one umbrella, in full text wherever possible.
Critical Appraisal is the process of assessing and interpreting evidence, by systematically considering its’ quality, validity, results and relevance to your own work/in a particular context - weighing up evidence to see how useful it is in decision making.
Critical appraisal skill is a key component of Evidence Based Practice and hence essential to informed decision making.
What are the essential components of Evidence Based Practice?
(David Sackett, 1996)
The purpose of this guide is to provide basic criteria and information to consider when trying to decide if the study methodology is sound. The guide will focus on evaluating the validity of the study (we will not get into the appraisal of the results and applicability)