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AKU-KE | Oncology Nursing

Course Description

Nursing Research is designed to equip the learner with an understanding of the principles of research and its application to evidence based practice.

Required Readings

Ciliska, D. (2006). Evidence-based nursing: How far have we come? What’s next? Evidence-based Nursing9, 38-40.
DiCenso, A, Cullum, N., & Ciliska, D. (1998). Implementing evidence-based nursing: Some misconceptions. Evidence Based Nursing. 1(2). 38-39. doi: 10.1136/ebn.1.2.38.
McBrien, B. (2008). Evidence-based care: Enhancing the rigour of a qualitative studyBritish Journal of Nursing17(20),1286-1289.
Nicholls, D. (2009). Qualitative research: Part three – MethodsInternational Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation16(12), 638-647.
Nicholls, D. (2009). Qualitative Research: Part two – Methodologies. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation16(11), 586-592.
Noble, H. & Smith, J. (2015). Issues of validity and reliability in qualitative researchEvidence Based Nursing 18(2). 34-35. doi: 10.1136/eb-2015-102054
Oncology Nursing Society. Putting evidence into practice. Practice resources.
Thompson, C.B., & Panacek, E.A. (2007). Research study designs: Non-ExperimentalAir Medical Journal, 26(1), 18–22.
Winsett, R.P., & Cashion, A.K. (2007). The nursing research processNephrology Nursing Journal, 34(6), 635–643. 

Recommended Readings


Rebbeck, T.R. (Ed.). (2013). Handbook for cancer research in AfricaWHO. 


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Additional Resources

Oncology Nursing Society eBooks (accessible via intranet):

1. Cancer Basics (2010) 

2. Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Guidelines and Recommendations 4th Ed. (2014)

3. Palliative Practices From A–Z for the Bedside Clinician 2nd Ed. (2008)

4. A Guide to Oncology Symptom Management 2nd Ed. (2015)

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