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AKU-KE | Oncology Nursing

Course Description

Symptom Assessment and Management is designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to identify, assess and manage common symptoms experienced by oncology patients at any point in the illness trajectory. The importance of an astute nursing assessment, patient and family education and support will be emphasized.

Required Readings

M.E. Langhorne, J.S. Fulton & S.E. Otto (Eds.). (2007). Unit Five: Symptom managementOncology nursing (5th ed.). (661-679; 694-727) St. Louis, MI: Mosby

Call number: RC 266 .053 2007


Recommended Readings

Zanolin, D., Widmer, C. & Panfil, E. (2014). Patient experiences with oral mucositis caused by chemo-/radiotherapy: A critical qualitative literature reviewNursing Reports 4(1), 7-11. Doi: 10.4081/nurserep.2014.3647. 

Call number: RC 266 .053 2007


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Additional Resources

Oncology Nursing Society eBooks (accessible via intranet):

1. Cancer Basics (2010) 

2. Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Guidelines and Recommendations 4th Ed. (2014)

3. Palliative Practices From A–Z for the Bedside Clinician 2nd Ed. (2008)

4. A Guide to Oncology Symptom Management 2nd Ed. (2015)

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