Rethinking Teacher Education : Improvement, Innovation and Change Authors: Joe Lugalla; Samuel Andema. Publication: Oxford : Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers. 2022. Database: EBSCOhost eBooks |
Holistic Teacher Education: In Search of a Curriculum for Troubled Times Editors: Rupert Clive Collister, Publication: Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2021.. Database: EBSCOhost eBooks |
Mentorship Strategies in Teacher Education Authors: Dikilitaş, Kenan Mede and Enisa Atay, Derin Publication: Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2018 Database: EBSCOhost eBooks |
Teacher Development and Teacher Education in Developing Countries : On Becoming and Being a Teacher Author: Bashiruddin, Ayesha Publication: London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018 Database: EBSCOhost eBooks
Promising Practices in Indigenous Teacher Education Authors: Whitinui, Paul Rodríguez and María del Carmen McIvor, Onowa Publication: Singapore: Springer, 2018 Database: EBSCOhost eBooks
Teacher Education in Lifelong Learning : Developing Professionalism As a Democratic Endeavour Author: Iredale, Alison Publication: Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018 Database: EBSCOhost eBooks
Social Studies Teacher Education: Critical Issues and Current Perspectives Author: Christopher C. Martell Publication: Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2018 Database: EBSCOhost eBooks |
Teacher Education for Diversity : Conversations From the Global South Editors: Walton, Elizabeth and Florence Osman, Ruksana Publication: Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2018 Database: EBSCOhost eBooks |
Reflective Theory and Practice in Teacher Education Editors: Brandenburg Robyn, Glasswell, Kathryn Jones and Mellita Publication: Singapore: Springer, 2017 Database: EBSCOhost eBooks |
Quality of Teacher Education and Learning : Theory and Practice Authors: Zhu, Xudong Goodwin, A. Lin Zhang, Huajun Publication: New York : Springer, 2017 Database: EBSCOhost eBooks |
Teacher Education in Diverse Settings : Making Space for Intersecting Worldviews Editors: Prochner Laurence Wayne [ .al] Publication: Rotterdam: Sense, 2016 Database: EBSCOhost eBooks |
Learning, Leading, and the Best-Loved Self in Teaching and Teacher Education Editors: Cheryl J. Craig, Denise M. McDonald, and Gayle A. Curtis Publication: Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 2023 Database: ProQuest Ebook Central |
Expertise : Keywords in Teacher Education Editors: Gerrard, Jessica Holloway, Jessica Publication: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2023 Database: ProQuest Ebook Central |
Values and Professional Knowledge in Teacher Education Editors: Mead, Nick Publication: Taylor & Francis Group 2019 Database: ProQuest Ebook Central |
Editors: Brian Hudson, Niklas Gericke, Christina Olin-Scheller, and Martin Stolare Publication: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2022 Database: ProQuest Ebook Central |
Learning, Leading, and the Best-Loved Self in Teaching and Teacher Education Editors: Cheryl J. Craig, Denise M. McDonald, and Gayle A. Curtis Publication: Springer International Publishing AG 2022 Database: ProQuest Ebook Central |
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