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FHS-PK | Searching Techniques: Truncation & Wildcard

This Libguide provides the methods used to locate relevent information from databases

Truncation and Wildcard


Truncation symbol (* or # or ?) is tool used in databases to expand search results. Use the database's Help tab for verification of the correct symbol.

  • What It Does: Truncation allows you to search for different word endings by using a root or base part of the word.
  • How It Works: You use a symbol, typically an asterisk (*), at the end of the root word.
  • Example:
    • Searching for educat* will find results that include "education," "educator," "educate," etc. This is useful when you want to include all possible word variations. 
    • Searching for pharm* will find "pharmacology", "pharmacy", "pharmaceutical", etc.
    • Searching for injurfinds "injured", "injury", "injuries", etc.


Wildcard symbols are tools used in databases to find variations of words.

  • What It Does: The wildcard symbol lets you search for different spellings or variations of a word by substituting one or more letters in the middle of the word.
  • How It Works: A common wildcard symbol is the question mark (?), which replaces a single letter, or the asterisk (*) for multiple letters.
  • Example:
    • Searching for wom?n will find both "woman" and "women."
    • Searching for col*r can find both "color" and "colour" if the asterisk (*) is used as a placeholder for missing characters.

These tools help refine searches and ensure you don’t miss relevant information due to word form variations or spelling.

Note: Please follow the rule that the root of your term should be at least four characters long.

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