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AKU-KE | Population Health: Databases

Key Databases



UpToDate includes more than 11,800 peer reviewed topics covering the whole spectrum of health. The topics are in “25 specialties, continually updated and reviewed by leading experts


Clinicalkey for physicians is a database that provides access to over 900 top books, over 500 top journals and over 13,000 procedural videos. The content is supplied by Elsevier, one of the world's leading provider of science and health information.


AccessMedicine is a database that gives you access to more than 75 medical books from the best minds in medicine, updated content, thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, time-saving diagnostic and point-of-care tools through a comprehensive search platform.

Oxford Academic Journals

Oxford Journals is a division of Oxford University Press (OUP). Oxford Academic offer an innovative, high-quality publishing service and pride ourselves on our close and transparent relationship with societies worldwide


Hinari is a programme set up by WHO together with major publishers. It enables low- and middle- income countries gain access to one of the world's largest collections of biomedical and health literature. AKU Library is registered to access Hinari and this gives you access to up to 16,000 journals, up to 63,000 e-books, up to 105 other information resources.

The database has been configured to recognize AKU/AKUH network but should you be prompted to log-in, please contact the library for the username and password details.


PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical articles from MEDLINE and life science journals. Where the citation is from an open access journal, the database will provide a link to the full text.

Cochrane Library

Cochrane library well known for systematic reviews is a source of reliable and up-to-date information (regularly updated) on the effects of interventions in health care. This is currently available free of Charge to developing Countries.


Over 11,000 full text, peer-reviewed journals and over 15,000 abstracted and indexed titles. Access to 8 major databases: Academic Search Premier; Business Source Premier; ERIC; Masterfile Premier; Newspaper Source; Health Source : Nursing & Academic; Health Source : Consumer Edition; Medline. Subject Strengths: Good coverage of most branches of social sciences and humanities, Strong business coverage, Strong nursing, medicine and allied health coverage, Dedicated newspaper database, kept separate from peer-reviewed content.


Ovid helps researchers, librarians, clinicians, and other healthcare professionals find important medical information so that they can make critical decisions to improve patient care, enhance ongoing research, and fuel new discoveries.Ovid includes ebooks and peer–reviewed journals-with no embargoes. Plus, dozens of journal collections, including archive collections and packages based on publisher or subject content.

Transfusion Evidence Library

The Transfusion Evidence Library is “an information resource that provides access to evidence-based publications (Systematic Reviews, Randomised Controlled Trial and Health Economic Evaluations) on all aspects of transfusion medicine, and expert Clinical Commentaries on selected studies.” It is produced by the NHS Blood and Transplant Systematic Review Initiative

Sanford Guide

The Sanford Guide for infectious disease guidelines and information is designed for use at the point of care. Sanford Guide provides clinicians with the tools they need to ensure the appropriate use of antibiotics.



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